Rules & Regulations
Library guidelines and regulations help the library to create a conducive atmosphere for all in pursuit of learning, research and discovery. They are not designed to be punitive.
- Library users must identify themselves with either student or staff ID. If lost, please report to the library immediately.
- Library books removed on the shelves should be left on the desk to be collected by library staff for re-shelving. Willful mis-shelving library books is punishable.
- Reading space is limited and readers must not reserve seats by leaving personal items on them. Such items will be removed by library staff.
- All bags, briefcases, overcoats etc should be left at the baggage store at the library entrance.
- Respect the borrowing guidelines for various categories of books.
- Be courteous to library staff. They are charged with the duty of giving service to you as well as enforce library regulations.
1. Library items should not be taken out without proper authorization. Theft or attempted theft of library items, equipment, furniture or furnishings is proscribed. |
Penalty: Twice the replacement cost of item. Administrative fee of Kshs. 500. Suspension from the library for a maximum period of one academic year. Further University regulations on this clause apply. |
2. Defacing, mutilating or damaging library items, facilities,equipment, furniture or furnishing or willfully altering or destroying identification marks relating to ownership or location of library items, equipment, furniture or furnishingsis prohibited.. |
Penalty: Replacement cost of the item, administrative fee of Ksh. 500, suspension from the library for a maximum period ofone semester. |
3. Obtaining or using a library card under false pretenses is not allowed. |
Penalty: Suspension from the library for a maximum period of one semester. |
4. Smoking, eating and drinking and sleeping in the library buildings is not allowed. |
Penalty: Suspension from the library for a maximum period of one semester. |
5. All communication gadgets including cell phones, pagers, radios, beepers etc should be put on silent mode before entering the library. No call should be made or received in the library. |
Penalty: Suspension from the library for a maximum period of one semester. |
6. The library is a place for silent, private study. Consultations, discussions, group study etc should not be held in the library. The university provides many other areas on campus for this. |
Penalty: Suspension from the library for a maximum period of one month |
7. Use or possession of items from other libraries that are either overdue or have evidence of having been removed without proper authorization will be confiscated. |
Penalty: Additional consultations with the concerned library will be undertaken. |
8. A user serving a suspension from the library is required to strictly adhere to the suspension term. |
Penalty: Violating a suspension in effect will result to further suspension for a period of one semester in addition to the current term. |