Mr. Paul Mutethia Diki

Mr. Paul Mutethia Diki

Mr. Paul Mutethia Diki

Senior Library Assistant


Mr. Paul Mutethia is  is an experienced academic librarian with knowledge and skills in management of knowledge resources and marketing of the resource. He is a seasoned in searching and retrieving information. He is currently involved in creation of institutional repositories as part of supporting the open access movement.

Specialties: Information Literacy, Library Digitization, Open Acess, Information marketing

Cited by

Digitilization of academic libraries, a response to the blended mode of teaching in private higher learning institutions in Africa

D Nzeyimana, P Mutethia, R Gibendi
African Journal of Science, Technology and Social Sciences 1 (2), 110-115

Implementation of the ISO 27001: 2013 standard in an academic library: case of Meru University of Science and Technology

R Gibendi, E Walubuka, P Mutethia
African Journal of Science, Technology and Social Sciences 1 (1)

Role of information professionals in alleviating student plagiarism for academic integrity in Kenyan universities: A review of literature

R Mutethia, P. D., Gibendi
African Journal of Science Technology and Social Sciences 1 (2), 184-191

Digitilization of academic libraries, a response to the blended mode of teaching in private higher learning institutions in Africa

R Nzeyimana, D. Mutethia, P. Gibendi
African Journal of Science Technology and Social Sciences 1 (2), 110-115

Factors Influencing Utilization of Library E-Resources in Academic Delivery: The Case of Multimedia University of Kenya

MPM Diki
African Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (AJSTE) 3 (1), 83-93

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