Masters in Data Science
CCD 7111: Probability and Statistics
Deep, R. (2005). Probability and Statistics: With Integrated Software Routines. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Georgii, H.-O. (2012). Stochastics: Introduction to Probability and Statistics. De Gruyter, Inc.
CCD 7112: Interactive Programming
Adams, C. (2014). Learning Python Data Visualization. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Blum, R., & Bresnahan, C. (2015). Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Bradbury, A., Everard, B., & Winder, R. (2014). Learning Python with Raspberry Pi. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Giussani, A. (2020). Applied Machine Learning with Python. EGEA Spa – Bocconi University Press.
Hearty, J. (2016). Advanced Machine Learning with Python. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Idris, I. (2014). Python Data Analysis. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Lee, W.-M. (2019). Python Machine Learning. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Measey, P., Wolf, L., Berridge, C., Gray, A., Levy, R., Measey, P., Oliver, L., Roberts, B., Short, M., & Wilmshurst, D. (2015). Agile Foundations: Principles, practices and frameworks. BCS Learning & Development Limited.
Shotts, W. E. (2012). Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction. No Starch Press, Incorporated.
CCD 7113: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Anggoro, W. (2018). C++ Data Structures and Algorithms: Learn How to Write Efficient Code to Build Scalable and Robust Applications in C++. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Cutajar, J. (2018). Beginning Java Data Structures and Algorithms: Sharpen Your Problem Solving Skills by Learning Core Computer Science Concepts in a Pain-Free Manner. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Das, V. V. (2006). Principles of Data Structures Using C and C++. New Age International Ltd.
Malhotra, D., & Malhotra, N. (2019). Data Structures and Program Design Using C++. Mercury Learning & Information.
CCD 7114: Advanced Data Systems
Cooper, J. (2013). Database Design and SQL for DB2. MC Press.
Hellerstein, J. M., & Stonebraker, M. (2005). Readings in Database Systems. MIT Press.
CCD 7115: Research Methodology
Bent, M. J. (2016). Practical Tips for Facilitating Research. Facet Publishing.
Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., Williams, J. M., Bizup, J., & Fitzgerald, W. T. (2016). The Craft of Research. University of Chicago Press.
Pasian, B., & Turner, R. (2015). Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management. Taylor & Francis Group.
Perecman, E., & Curran, S. R. (2006). A Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods. SAGE Publications.
CCD 7121: Machine Learning
Alencar, M. S. (2014). Information Theory. Momentum Press.
Murphy, K. P. (2012). Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. MIT Press.
Shi, Z. (2011). Advanced Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific Publishing Company
CCD 7122: Advanced Data Mining
Han, J., Pei, J., & Kamber, M. (2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques: Concepts and Techniques. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Mourya, S. K., & Gupta, S. (2012). Data Mining and Data Warehousing. Alpha Science International.
Roiger, R. J. (2016). Data Mining: A Tutorial-Based Primer, Second Edition. CRC Press LLC.
Stahlbock, R., Abou-Nasr, M., & Weiss, G. M. (2018). Data Mining. C. S. R. E. A.
CCD 7124: Neural Networks
Feldman, J., & Rojas, R. (1996). Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Flores, J. A. (2011). Focus on Artificial Neural Networks. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated.
Graupe, D. (2013). Principles Of Artificial Neural Networks (3rd Edition). World Scientific Publishing Company.
Nagy, Z. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals: Develop Real-World Applications Powered by the Latest AI Advances. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Neal, R. M., Diggle, P., & Fienberg, S. (1996). Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks. Springer New York.
Zaknich, A. (2003). Neural Networks For Intelligent Signal Processing. World Scientific Publishing Company.
Zhang, W. (2010). Computational Ecology: Artificial Neural Networks And Their Applications. World Scientific Publishing Company.
CCD 7125: Statistical Inference and Modeling in R
Martin, O. (2016). Bayesian Analysis with Python. Packt Publishing, Limited.
Ramachandran, K. M., & Tsokos, C. P. (2014). Mathematical Statistics with Applications in R. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Takezawa, K. (2012). Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft Windows. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
CCD 7210: Natural Language Processing
Bretonnel Cohen, K., & Demner-Fushman, D. (2013). Biomedical Natural Language Processing. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Dale, R., Moisl, H., & Somers, H. (2000). Handbook of Natural Language Processing. CRC Press LLC.
Kurdi, M. Z. (2016). Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics: Speech, Morphology and Syntax. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Reese, R. M. (2015). Natural Language Processing with Java. Packt Publishing, Limited.
CCD 7211: Natural Language Understanding and Semantics
Blackledge, A. (2005). Discourse and Power in a Multilingual World. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Steedman, M., & Isard, S. (2011). Taking Scope: The Natural Semantics of Quantifiers. MIT Press.
Tessuto, G. (2016). Constructing Legal Discourses and Social Practices: Issues and Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publisher.
CCD 7212: Big Data Analytics
CCD 7213: Systems Biology
Dehling, H. G., Gottschalk, T., Hoffmann, A. C., Dehling, H. G., Gottschalk, T., & Hoffmann, A. C. (2007). Stochastic Modelling in Process Technology. Elsevier Science & Technology.
He, Z. (2014). Microarrays: Current Technology, Innovations and Applications. Caister Academic Press.
Ibe, O. (2013). Markov Processes for Stochastic Modeling. Elsevier.
Rotar, V. I. (2012). Probability and Stochastic Modeling. CRC Press LLC.
Wit, E., & McClure, J. (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
CCD 7214: Biomedical Informatics
Hu, H., & Liebman, M. (2008). Biomedical Informatics in Translational Research. Artech House.
CCD 7215: Time Series Analysis
Montgomery, D. C., Jennings, C. L., & Kulahci, M. (2015). Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Prado, R., & West, M. (2010). Time Series: Modeling, Computation, and Inference. CRC Press LLC.
Tsay, R. S. (2013). Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R and Financial Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
CCD 7216: Complex Networks
Cherifi, H. (2014). Complex Networks and Their Applications. Cambridge Scholars Publisher.
Fu, X., Small, M., & Chen, G. (2014). Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks: Models, Methods and Stability Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Shotts, W. E. (2012). Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction. No Starch Press, Incorporated.