The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) database provides full-text access to high-quality technical literature covering a broad range of topics in Engineering and Technology.IEEE/IET Electronic Library Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Computer Science; Architecture, Imaging Science & Photographic Technology, Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science Information Systems, Software Engineering, Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence.
Astronomy, Biomedical Sciences, Business and Management, Chemistry, Climate, Computer Science, Earth Sciences and geography, Economics, Education and language, Energy, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Food Science and nutrition, Law, Life Sciences, Materials, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Public Health, Social Sciences, Statistics, Water
Information Science, Interdisciplinary Studies, Language and Literature, Law, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and allied Health, Museum, Heritage Studies and Visual Arts, Physical Sciences, Reference and Information Science, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sports, Leisure, Travel & Tourism and Urban Studies
The Cochrane Library is a collection of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Covers the geosciences e-resources. an online collection comprising the Geological Society’s journal titles, Special Publications, and key book series – plus journals published on behalf of other societies
OECD iLibrary offers publications and data in the following subjects; Agriculture & Food, Education, Environment, Industry and services, Social Issues/Migration/Health, Transport, Development, Employment, Finance and investment, Nuclear Energy, Taxation, Urban/Rural & Regional Development, Economics, Energy, Governance, Science & Technology, and Trade