Course Materials | Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
- Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice (10th ed.). Kogan Page.
- Decenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (1998). Personnel / Human resource management (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall of India.
- Foot, M. (2008). Introduction to human resource management (5th ed.). Pearson Education Ltd.
- Jackson, S. E., Ones, D. S., & Dilchert, S. (Eds.). (2012). Managing human resources for environmental sustainability. Jossey-Bass.
- Mankin, D. (2009). Human resource development. Oxford University Press.
- Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (Eds.). (2009). Contemporary human resource management: Text and cases (3rd ed). Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
- Saleemi, N. A. (1997). Personnel management simplified (2nd ed. rev. and updated). Saleemi Publications.
- Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A. (2020). Essentials of statistics for business and economics (9th ed). West Pub. Co.
- Baumol, W. J., & Blinder, A. S. (2003). Economics—Principles and policy (3rd ed). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Boyes, W. et al, & Melvin, M. (2005). Textbook of Economics (6th ed.). biztantra.
- Case Karl E, & Fair Ray C. (2007). Principles of economics (8th ed.). Pearson/ Bentice Hall Inc.
- Fawls, M., & Portland Community College (Eds.). (2011). Principles of Economics: Microeconomics. McGraw-hill.
- Gujarati, D. N. (2010). Essentials of econometrics (4th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2015). Microeconomics: Principles, problems, and policies (20th ed). McGraw-Hill.
- Melvin Michael, & William Boyes. (2013). Principles of microeconomics: Microeconomics (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.
- Nieuwenhuis, et al. (2009). Statistical methods for business and economics. Mc GRAW Hill Higher Education.
- Samuelson, P. A. et al, & Nordhaus, W. D. (2010). Economics (19th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill.
- Schiller, B. R. (2011). Essentials of economics (8th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Brigham, E. F., & Michael C. (n.d.). Financial management: Theory and Practice.
- Cole, G. A. (1997). Strategic Management (2nd ed). Thomson Learning.
- Cole, G. A., & Kelly, P. (2011). Management: Theory and practice (7th ed.). BookPower.
- Dalkir, K. (2011). Knowledge management in theory and practice. Elsevier.
- Miller, R. L. (2016). Fundamentals of business law today: Summarized cases (10th ed.). Cengage learning.
- Smith, L. Y., Mann, R. A., & Roberts, B. S. (1992). Essentials of business law and the legal environment (4th ed). West Publishing Company.
- Hill, C. W. L., & McShane, S. L. (2008). Principles of Management. McGraw Hill Publishers Co. ltd.
- Rejda, G. A. (2011). Principles of risk management and insurance (11th ed). Pearson Education.
- Saleemi, N. A. (2006). Principles and practice of management simplified (Revised edition). Savant’s Book Centre Ltd.
- Strathmore University (Ed.). (2009). Principles and practices of management. Strathmore University.
- Ainsworth, P., & Deines, D. S. (2007). Introduction to accounting: An integrated approach (4th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Edmonds, T. P., McNair, F. M., & Olds, P. R. (2013). Fundamental financial accounting concepts (8th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Gaber, G. B. (1991). Introduction to Accounting. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Horngren, C. T. (2014). Introduction to management accounting (5th ed). Prentice Hall.
- Lanen, W. N., Anderson, S. W., & Maher, M. (2011). Fundamentals of cost accounting (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Langley, F. P., & Hardern, G. S. (1985). Introduction to accounting for business studies (4th ed). Butterworths.
- Phillips, F., Libby, R., & Libby, P. A. (2011). Fundamentals of financial accounting (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin.
- Taylor, A. H., & Shearing, H. (1963). Financial and cost accounting (8th ed). Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
- Wang’ombe, D. K. (2005). Fundamentals of accounting. Focus Publishers Ltd.
- Welsch, G. A., & Short, D. G. (1987). Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (5th ed). Richard D Invin,Inc.
- Catherine, G. (2011). Business accounting (3rd ed). South-Western Cengage Learning.
- Drury, C. (1996). Management and cost accounting (4th ed.). International Thomson Business Press.
- Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2010). Financial accounting: Tools for business decision making. John Wiley.
- Langley, F. P., & Hardern, G. S. (1985). Introduction to accounting for business studies (4th ed). Butterworths.
- WHITEHEAD, G. (1987). Success in Principles of Accounting (3rd ed). John Murray Publishers Ltd.
- Williams, J. R., Haka, S. F., & Bettner, M. S. (2005). Financial & managerial accounting: The basis for business decisions (13th e[d]). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2008). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting 2 (11th ed). Pearson Education.
- Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2012). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting 1 (12th ed). Financial Times Prentice Hall/Pearson.
- Duffy, J. (2008). Microsoft Office Word 2007/. Thomson Course Technology:
- Odhiambo, W. K., & Mutundu, A. C. (2008). Understanding computers: A beginner’s text. Soloh Worldwide Inter-Enterprises Ltd.
- Parsons, J. J., & Oja, D. (2008). New perspectives [on] computer concepts /. Thomson/Course Technology,
- Shelly, G. B., & Cashman, T. J. (c2008.). Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory concepts and techniques /. Thomson Course Technology,
- Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. (2010a). Discovering computers 2010: Introductory /. Thomson Course Technology,
- Steve, J. (2007). Brilliant Microsoft Office 2007. Pearson Education Limited:
- Bint, P., Burnett, D., Greenhalgh, S., & Robins, P. (1990). A university course in academic communication skills: a resource book. Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi University Press.
- Bolton, R. (1986). People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts. New York: Touchstone.
- BoveÌe, C. L., & Thill, J. (2010). Business communication today (Twelfth edit).
- Haykin, S. et al. (2007). Introduction to analog and digital communications (2nd ed). New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
- Jain, A. K. (2011). Professional communication skills. New Delhi: S. Chand.
- Muchiri, M. N. (1992). Communication skills. Nairobi: Longman Kenya Ltd.
- Holmes, K. K. (Ed.). (1999). Sexually transmitted diseases (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division.
- Moerschacher, M. (2008). A holistic approach to HIV and AIDS in Africa. Paulines Publications,.
- Sax, P. E. et al, & Cohen, C. J. (2013). HIV essentials. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
- Sehgal N Virendra. (2010). Sexually Transmitted Diseases(Venereal Diseases): Venereal Diseases (5th ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee.
- Stanberry, L. R., & Rosenthal, S. L. (2013). Sexually transmitted diseases: vaccines, prevention and control (second ed). London: Academic Press.
- WHO Study Group on Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Patients (Ed.). (1991). Management of patients with sexually transmitted diseases: Report of a WHO Study Group. Geneva: World Health Organization.
- Chalofsky, N. F. (2014). Handbook of Human Resource Development. Center for Creative Leadership.
- Hayton, J., Castro Christiansen, L., Kuvaas, B., & Kuvaas, B. (2011). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Lee, M., Stewart, J., & Woodall, J. (2004). New Frontiers in HRD. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Mabey, C., Skinner, D., Clark, T. A. R., & Monks, J. (1998). Experiencing Human Resource Management. SAGE Publications.
- Mamoria, C. B., & Gankar, S. V. (2008). Textbook of Human Resource Management. Global Media.
- Rao, P. S., & Kumar, V. T. (2010). Management Theory and Practice: (Text & Cases). Himalaya Publishing House.
- Sarma, A. M. (2008). Personnel and Human Resource Management. Global Media.
- Shivarudrappa, D., Ramachandra, K., & Gopalakrishnan, K. S. (2009). Human Resource Management. Global Media.
- Case, K., C. Fair, R., & M. Oster, S. (2019). Principles of Microeconomics, Global Edition. In Principles of Microeconomics, Global Edition (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
- Shapiro, D., Taylor, T., & A. Greenlaw, S. (2017). Principles of Microeconomics 2e. In Principles of Microeconomics 2e (Vol. 2). Rice University.
- e, M. (2020). Economics for Business. In Economics for Business (Vol. 3). Pearson UK.
- Sloman, J., & Garratt, D. (2019). Essentials of Economics. In Essentials of Economics (Vol. 8). Pearson UK.
- Harvey, J., & Jowsey, E. (2007). Modern Economics. In Modern Economics (Vol. 8). Bloomsbury Publishing UK.
- Hayes, J. (2018). The Theory and Practice of Change Management. In The Theory and Practice of Change Management (Vol. 5). Bloomsbury Publishing UK.
- Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2021). Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Global Edition. In Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Global Edition (Vol. 10). Pearson UK.
- Chaudhuri, K. K. (2010). Human Resource Management: Principles and Practices. Himalaya Publishing House.
- Ramasamy, T. (2009). Principles of Management. Global Media.
- Stewart, S. D., Piros, C. D., & Heisler, J. C. (2019). Portfolio Management: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
- University of Aarhus Denmark & University of Roskilde Denmark. (2015). Project Management Theory Meets Practice. Samfundslitteratur.
- Sangster, A., & Gordon, L. (2021). Business Accounting, Volume 1. In Business Accounting, Volume 1 (Vol. 15). Pearson UK.
- Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2015). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1. In Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
- Franklin, M., Graybeal, P., & Cooper, D. (2021). Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting. In Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting (Vol. 1). Openstax.
- Breitner, L., & N. Anthony, R. (2013). Essentials of Accounting. In Essentials of Accounting (Vol. 11). Pearson UK.
- Kimuda, D. (2009). Foundations of Accounting. In Foundations of Accounting (Vol. 1). East African Publishers.
- Foulkes, L. (2020). Learn Microsoft Office 2019. In Learn Microsoft Office 2019. Packt.
- Consulting, S. (2013). Introduction to Computers NQF2. In Introduction to Computers NQF2. Macmillan Education SA.
- Lambert, J. (2015). Microsoft Word 2016. BarCharts Publishing, Inc.
- Labuscagne, C., Smuts, C., Mvula, D., Gentle, E., & Goosen, E. (2019). Computer Applications Technology 10: Theory Book. In Computer Applications Technology 10: Theory Book (Vol. 1). MTN South Africa.
- Sangster, A., & Gordon, L. (2021). Business Accounting, Volume 1. In Business Accounting, Volume 1 (Vol. 15). Pearson UK.
- Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2015). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 . In Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
- Franklin, M., Graybeal, P., & Cooper, D. (2021). Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting. In Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting (Vol. 1). Openstax.
- Breitner, L., & N. Anthony, R. (2013). Essentials of Accounting. In Essentials of Accounting (Vol. 11). Pearson UK.
- Kimuda, D. (2009). Foundations of Accounting. In Foundations of Accounting (Vol. 1). East African Publishers.
- Davies, J. (2011). Communication Skills. In Communication Skills (Vol. 1). Pearson UK.
- Barker, A. (2022). Improve Your Communication Skills. In Improve Your Communication Skills (Vol. 6). Kogan Page.
- Davies, J. (2011). Communication Skills. In Communication Skills (Vol. 1). Pearson UK.
- Hargie, O. (2018). The Handbook of Communication Skills. In The Handbook of Communication Skills (Vol. 4). Taylor & Francis.
- Viswanathan, R. (2010). Business Communication. Himalaya Publishing House.
- Adler, M. W., Edwards, S. G., Miller, R. F., Sethi, G., & Williams, I. (2012). ABC of HIV and AIDS. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
- Healey, J. (2017). HIV and AIDS. Spinney Press, The.
- Ndati, N. (2012). HIV and AIDS, Communication, and Secondary Education in Kenya. Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.
- Akala, F. A., & Jenkins, C. (2005). Preventing HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa: A Window of Opportunity to Act. World Bank Publications.
- Paul, W. E. (2012). Fundamental Immunology. Wolters Kluwer.
- Plural Publishing, I., & Louw, B. (2009). HIV/AIDS-Related Communication, Hearing and Swallowing Disorders: Related Communication, Hearing and Other Swallowing Disorders. Plural Publishing, Incorporated.
- World Bank Staff. (2001). Education and HIV/AIDS: A Window of Hope. World Bank Publications.
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