Course Materials | Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management




  1. Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice (10th ed.). Kogan Page.
  2. Decenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (1998). Personnel / Human resource management (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall of India.
  3. Foot, M. (2008). Introduction to human resource management (5th ed.). Pearson Education Ltd.
  4. Jackson, S. E., Ones, D. S., & Dilchert, S. (Eds.). (2012). Managing human resources for environmental sustainability. Jossey-Bass.
  5. Mankin, D. (2009). Human resource development. Oxford University Press.
  6. Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (Eds.). (2009). Contemporary human resource management: Text and cases (3rd ed). Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
  7. Saleemi, N. A. (1997). Personnel management simplified (2nd ed. rev. and updated). Saleemi Publications.



  1. Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A. (2020). Essentials of statistics for business and economics (9th ed). West Pub. Co.
  2. Baumol, W. J., & Blinder, A. S. (2003). Economics—Principles and policy (3rd ed). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  3. Boyes, W. et al, & Melvin, M. (2005). Textbook of Economics (6th ed.). biztantra.
  4. Case Karl  E, & Fair Ray C. (2007). Principles of economics (8th ed.). Pearson/ Bentice Hall Inc.
  5. Fawls, M., & Portland Community College (Eds.). (2011). Principles of Economics: Microeconomics. McGraw-hill.
  6. Gujarati, D. N. (2010). Essentials of econometrics (4th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  7. McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2015). Microeconomics: Principles, problems, and policies (20th ed). McGraw-Hill.
  8. Melvin Michael, & William Boyes. (2013). Principles of microeconomics: Microeconomics (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  9. Nieuwenhuis, et al. (2009). Statistical methods for business and economics. Mc GRAW Hill Higher Education.
  10. Samuelson, P. A. et al, & Nordhaus, W. D. (2010). Economics (19th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill.
  11. Schiller, B. R. (2011). Essentials of economics (8th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.



  1. Brigham, E. F., & Michael C. (n.d.). Financial management: Theory and Practice.
  2. Cole, G. A. (1997). Strategic Management (2nd ed). Thomson Learning.
  3. Cole, G. A., & Kelly, P. (2011). Management: Theory and practice (7th ed.). BookPower.
  4. Dalkir, K. (2011). Knowledge management in theory and practice. Elsevier.
  5. Miller, R. L. (2016). Fundamentals of business law today: Summarized cases (10th ed.). Cengage learning.
  6. Smith, L. Y., Mann, R. A., & Roberts, B. S. (1992). Essentials of business law and the legal environment (4th ed). West Publishing Company.
  7. Hill, C. W. L., & McShane, S. L. (2008). Principles of Management. McGraw Hill Publishers Co. ltd.
  8. Rejda, G. A. (2011). Principles of risk management and insurance (11th ed). Pearson Education.
  9. Saleemi, N. A. (2006). Principles and practice of management simplified (Revised edition). Savant’s Book Centre Ltd.
  10. Strathmore University (Ed.). (2009). Principles and practices of management. Strathmore University.


  1. Ainsworth, P., & Deines, D. S. (2007). Introduction to accounting: An integrated approach (4th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  2. Edmonds, T. P., McNair, F. M., & Olds, P. R. (2013). Fundamental financial accounting concepts (8th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  3. Gaber, G. B. (1991). Introduction to Accounting. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  4. Horngren, C. T. (2014). Introduction to management accounting (5th ed). Prentice Hall.
  5. Lanen, W. N., Anderson, S. W., & Maher, M. (2011). Fundamentals of cost accounting (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  6. Langley, F. P., & Hardern, G. S. (1985). Introduction to accounting for business studies (4th ed). Butterworths.
  7. Phillips, F., Libby, R., & Libby, P. A. (2011). Fundamentals of financial accounting (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  8. Taylor, A. H., & Shearing, H. (1963). Financial and cost accounting (8th ed). Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
  9. Wang’ombe, D. K. (2005). Fundamentals of accounting. Focus Publishers Ltd.
  10. Welsch, G. A., & Short, D. G. (1987). Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (5th ed). Richard D Invin,Inc.


  1. Catherine, G. (2011). Business accounting (3rd ed). South-Western Cengage Learning.
  2. Drury, C. (1996). Management and cost accounting (4th ed.). International Thomson Business Press.
  3. Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2010). Financial accounting: Tools for business decision making. John Wiley.
  4. Langley, F. P., & Hardern, G. S. (1985). Introduction to accounting for business studies (4th ed). Butterworths.
  5. WHITEHEAD, G. (1987). Success in Principles of Accounting (3rd ed). John Murray Publishers Ltd.
  6. Williams, J. R., Haka, S. F., & Bettner, M. S. (2005). Financial & managerial accounting: The basis for business decisions (13th e[d]). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  7. Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2008). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting 2 (11th ed). Pearson Education.
  8. Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2012). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting 1 (12th ed). Financial Times Prentice Hall/Pearson.


  1. Duffy, J. (2008). Microsoft Office Word 2007/. Thomson Course Technology:
  2. Odhiambo, W. K., & Mutundu, A. C. (2008). Understanding computers: A beginner’s text. Soloh Worldwide Inter-Enterprises Ltd.
  3. Parsons, J. J., & Oja, D. (2008). New perspectives [on] computer concepts /. Thomson/Course Technology,
  4. Shelly, G. B., & Cashman, T. J. (c2008.). Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory concepts and techniques /. Thomson Course Technology,
  5. Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. (2010a). Discovering computers 2010: Introductory /. Thomson Course Technology,
  6. Steve, J. (2007). Brilliant Microsoft Office 2007. Pearson Education Limited:



  1. Bint, P., Burnett, D., Greenhalgh, S., & Robins, P. (1990). A university course in academic communication skills: a resource book. Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi University Press.
  2. Bolton, R. (1986). People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts. New York: Touchstone.
  3. Bovée, C. L., & Thill, J. (2010). Business communication today (Twelfth edit).
  4. Haykin, S. et al. (2007). Introduction to analog and digital communications (2nd ed). New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
  5. Jain, A. K. (2011). Professional communication skills. New Delhi: S. Chand.
  6. Muchiri, M. N. (1992). Communication skills. Nairobi: Longman Kenya Ltd.


  1. Holmes, K. K. (Ed.). (1999). Sexually transmitted diseases (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division.
  2. Moerschacher, M. (2008). A holistic approach to HIV and AIDS in Africa. Paulines Publications,.
  3. Sax, P. E. et al, & Cohen, C. J. (2013). HIV essentials. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
  4. Sehgal N Virendra. (2010). Sexually Transmitted Diseases(Venereal Diseases): Venereal Diseases (5th ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee.
  5. Stanberry, L. R., & Rosenthal, S. L. (2013). Sexually transmitted diseases: vaccines, prevention and control (second ed). London: Academic Press.
  6. WHO Study Group on Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Patients (Ed.). (1991). Management of patients with sexually transmitted diseases: Report of a WHO Study Group. Geneva: World Health Organization.





  1. Chalofsky, N. F. (2014). Handbook of Human Resource Development. Center for Creative Leadership.
  2. Hayton, J., Castro Christiansen, L., Kuvaas, B., & Kuvaas, B. (2011). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis Group.
  3. Lee, M., Stewart, J., & Woodall, J. (2004). New Frontiers in HRD. Taylor & Francis Group.
  4. Mabey, C., Skinner, D., Clark, T. A. R., & Monks, J. (1998). Experiencing Human Resource Management. SAGE Publications.
  5. Mamoria, C. B., & Gankar, S. V. (2008). Textbook of Human Resource Management. Global Media.
  6. Rao, P. S., & Kumar, V. T. (2010). Management Theory and Practice: (Text & Cases). Himalaya Publishing House.
  7. Sarma, A. M. (2008). Personnel and Human Resource Management. Global Media.
  8. Shivarudrappa, D., Ramachandra, K., & Gopalakrishnan, K. S. (2009). Human Resource Management. Global Media.



  1. Case, K., C. Fair, R., & M. Oster, S. (2019). Principles of Microeconomics, Global Edition. In Principles of Microeconomics, Global Edition (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
  2. Shapiro, D., Taylor, T., & A. Greenlaw, S. (2017). Principles of Microeconomics 2e. In Principles of Microeconomics 2e (Vol. 2). Rice University.
  3. e, M. (2020). Economics for Business. In Economics for Business (Vol. 3). Pearson UK.
  4. Sloman, J., & Garratt, D. (2019). Essentials of Economics. In Essentials of Economics (Vol. 8). Pearson UK.
  5. Harvey, J., & Jowsey, E. (2007). Modern Economics. In Modern Economics (Vol. 8). Bloomsbury Publishing UK.


  1. Hayes, J. (2018). The Theory and Practice of Change Management. In The Theory and Practice of Change Management (Vol. 5). Bloomsbury Publishing UK.
  2. Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2021). Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Global Edition. In Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Global Edition (Vol. 10). Pearson UK.
  3. Chaudhuri, K. K. (2010). Human Resource Management: Principles and Practices. Himalaya Publishing House.
  4. Ramasamy, T. (2009). Principles of Management. Global Media.
  5. Stewart, S. D., Piros, C. D., & Heisler, J. C. (2019). Portfolio Management: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
  6. University of Aarhus Denmark & University of Roskilde Denmark. (2015). Project Management Theory Meets Practice. Samfundslitteratur.


  1. Sangster, A., & Gordon, L. (2021). Business Accounting, Volume 1. In Business Accounting, Volume 1 (Vol. 15). Pearson UK.
  2. Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2015). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1. In Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
  3. Franklin, M., Graybeal, P., & Cooper, D. (2021). Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting. In Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting (Vol. 1). Openstax.
  4. Breitner, L., & N. Anthony, R. (2013). Essentials of Accounting. In Essentials of Accounting (Vol. 11). Pearson UK.
  5. Kimuda, D. (2009). Foundations of Accounting. In Foundations of Accounting (Vol. 1). East African Publishers.


  1. Foulkes, L. (2020). Learn Microsoft Office 2019. In Learn Microsoft Office 2019. Packt.
  2. Consulting, S. (2013). Introduction to Computers NQF2. In Introduction to Computers NQF2. Macmillan Education SA.
  3. Lambert, J. (2015). Microsoft Word 2016. BarCharts Publishing, Inc.
  4. Labuscagne, C., Smuts, C., Mvula, D., Gentle, E., & Goosen, E. (2019). Computer Applications Technology 10: Theory Book. In Computer Applications Technology 10: Theory Book (Vol. 1). MTN South Africa.



  1. Sangster, A., & Gordon, L. (2021). Business Accounting, Volume 1. In Business Accounting, Volume 1 (Vol. 15). Pearson UK.
  2. Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2015). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 . In Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1 (Vol. 13). Pearson UK.
  3. Franklin, M., Graybeal, P., & Cooper, D. (2021). Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting. In Principles of Accounting: Volume 1 – Financial Accounting (Vol. 1). Openstax.
  4. Breitner, L., & N. Anthony, R. (2013). Essentials of Accounting. In Essentials of Accounting (Vol. 11). Pearson UK.
  5. Kimuda, D. (2009). Foundations of Accounting. In Foundations of Accounting (Vol. 1). East African Publishers.



  1. Davies, J. (2011). Communication Skills. In Communication Skills (Vol. 1). Pearson UK.
  2. Barker, A. (2022). Improve Your Communication Skills. In Improve Your Communication Skills (Vol. 6). Kogan Page.
  3. Davies, J. (2011). Communication Skills. In Communication Skills (Vol. 1). Pearson UK.
  4. Hargie, O. (2018). The Handbook of Communication Skills. In The Handbook of Communication Skills (Vol. 4). Taylor & Francis.
  5. Viswanathan, R. (2010). Business Communication. Himalaya Publishing House.


UCU 3103      HIV/AIDS

  1. Adler, M. W., Edwards, S. G., Miller, R. F., Sethi, G., & Williams, I. (2012). ABC of HIV and AIDS. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
  2. Healey, J. (2017). HIV and AIDS. Spinney Press, The.
  3. Ndati, N. (2012). HIV and AIDS, Communication, and Secondary Education in Kenya. Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.
  4. Akala, F. A., & Jenkins, C. (2005). Preventing HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa: A Window of Opportunity to Act. World Bank Publications.
  5. Paul, W. E. (2012). Fundamental Immunology. Wolters Kluwer.
  6. Plural Publishing, I., & Louw, B. (2009). HIV/AIDS-Related Communication, Hearing and Swallowing Disorders: Related Communication, Hearing and Other Swallowing Disorders. Plural Publishing, Incorporated.
  7. World Bank Staff. (2001). Education and HIV/AIDS: A Window of Hope. World Bank Publications.


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