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E-Resources: Services:

Library Highlights

Guide for downloading and installing Software for Library Training

Before attending the library training, ensure you have completed the following three steps: Activate your Institutional Email account ( Please see this guide on how to do it.  Download and Install MyLoft from Google Playstore  from this Link ...

Exploring Digital Resources at Meru University Library

In today’s digital age, university libraries are essential for enhancing research and learning. Meru University’s library offers a wide range of digital resources that support academic success. Here’s a brief overview of these valuable tools:

Understanding Predatory Publishing and Scientific Publishing

Predatory publishing is a growing concern in academia. These unethical journals exploit researchers by charging high fees without offering legitimate peer review or editorial standards. Here’s how to identify and avoid them:

Main Services at Meru University Library

Meru University Library provides a variety of essential services to support students, faculty, and researchers in their academic journey. Here’s an overview of the key services available:


Chat with Librarian

You can contact a librarian with whatsapp.

Upcoming Events

Library Training

All First Years are invited to a scheduled Library Training

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How to use MyLOFT

To access E-Resources  On – / Off-Campus

download MyLOFT app  – Smartphone or tablet:

Access our library’s digital collection:





How to use MyLOFT in my phone

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The Library has documented several guides with step by step guide for various library information resources and services.

Click Access Library Guides to Find out the available guides.




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